Documents Collection
Documents Collection
Collection Items
Speech by the Prime Minister, Mr John Gorton, unveiling the Foundation Stone, Canberra CAE
Includes references to the rationale for the establishment of colleges of advanced education and their role in providing "an alternative system but not an inferior system to university education."
Inauguration of the University of Canberra, 19 April 1990
Inauguration order of ceremony; brief history of genesis of the university; list of Council members and senior officers
Advice for Intending Students: 1974
A list of courses to be offered in 1974 together with brief descriptions, employment prospects and entry requirements.
UC Maths Day 1991 - booklet editorial
The CCAE (later UC) Maths Day first ran in August 1982 and then ran annually through to 1995 .
The Canberra Maths Association with some UC input and much ANU input rani it in 1996.
It has run each year since at ANU .
The driving force behind…
The Canberra Maths Association with some UC input and much ANU input rani it in 1996.
It has run each year since at ANU .
The driving force behind…