Images Collection
Images Collection
Photos of the CCAE and UC - events, people and facilities
Still images
Collection Items
Turning of Sod by Minister Dawkins
Turning of sod for Engineering Building 11 by Minister Dawkins, in front of protesters against university fees
School of Education PhD Accreditation Panel
Front: Millicent Poole; Don Anderson; Grant Harmon; Back: John Grant; Ian Seaton; Christine Dear; Susan Ryan; Ron Traill
CCAE Foundation Stone
In 1990, the area surrounding the Foundation Stone was built up but the Stone was protected rather than relocated.
International House construction
(L to R) Assistant VC (Finance) Robert Mitchell, Assistant VC (Academic Services) John Grant and Rotary Governor Bill Poole view the construction progress on International House. Many of the 48 Rotary Clubs of the Canberra Region donated a…
First CCAE graduating class
(L to R): Berenice Bash (staff), Mardi Naulty, Mary Alexander, Anne Colvin, Elsie Solly (staff), Yvonne Lippert, Anne Croston, Elaine Best (staff)
Official party, 1979 Graduation
Image of Douglas Waterhouse, Chair, Canberra CAE Council; Sir Zelman Cowen, Governor-General of Australia; Dr Sam Richardson, Principal, Canberra CAE
Punching computer cards
Shows students manually punching cards to run programs on the mainframe computer at the CCAE
Speakers at the Australia-India Conference, University of Canberra, 1999
[L to R]: Auriol Weigold, Tim Fischer, Raghav Jha